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Radical Wholeness Live

Radical Wholeness is a 10 Session Online Journey guided by Sarah Oben, David Young and Heather Thalheimer.


The journey is about discovering a better way to fuel your life and experience the results you want. Something that’s more sustainable, less draining, and ultimately more fulfilling. It’s about going from what we call toxic achievement to what we have come to know as Radical Wholeness.  

Next Date:
June 8th - Aug 30th

(NO SESSIONS from July 6th to Aug 8th)

Wednesdays, 2-4pm EST or 8-10 pm CET

Course Fee: $600

Price decreases for each participant as the class grows. Fee is due May 31st

(ex: 7 participants = $430  |  8 participants = $375  |  9 participants = $330)

Contact for information about scholarships.
  • Weekly group sessions
  • Your own meditation practice
  • Interactive tools
  • Additional Q&A sessions with David
  • Dedicated App
  • Guided meditations
  • Online community chat
  • Invitation to join Graduate Community

Through Radical Wholeness, you will discover:


Your ability to naturally grow and expand with ease is directly correlated to your ability to love yourself.

The practice of unconditionally loving yourself expands your level of consciousness. 

Your resting level of consciousness determines the way you perceive, think, feel, and act. This has ultimately generated your life experience up until today. This is your world.


Your level of consciousness can shift and expand. We call this process the WholeHearted Cycle


New perceptions, thoughts, feelings, and actions easefully occur that are correlated to your new level of consciousness. These produce new results and new experiences.


There are proven processes for this. They are learnable, usable, and sustainable with time, openness, and practice. 


1. What You’ve Really Been WithholdingLove

  • Explore Toxic Achievement 

  • Distinguish what is not love.

  • Experience your ability to naturally love, grow and expand. 

  • Understand levels of consciousness and see how they are expressed in your life.

  • Understand yin & yang  energy applied to life & work.


2. Understanding Emotions: Body Awareness

  • Masterfully process the five emotion groups. 

  • Develop emotional intelligence: sensing & locating, processing & releasing

  • Learn to hear wisdom behind anger, fear, and sadness. 

  • Learn how to break free from repressing and/or recycling emotions


3. Understanding Thoughts and BeliefsMind Awareness

  • Understand the nature of thoughts and beliefs. 

  • Experience freedom from toxic thought patterns. 

  • Heal disempowering beliefs and access who you really are.


4. Flourish & ExpandUsing the WholeHearted Cycle

  • Presence & Awareness

  • Clarity & Focus

  • Skills & Relationship

  • Unblocking & Expansion

  • Love & Divine Connection


David Young

David is the co-founder of WholeHearted. As a coach and speaker, he supports communities to heal from collective trauma, re-establish healthy communication, and love fearlessly.

With a background in East Asian philosophy, international diplomacy, and community development, David's dream is to create a culture of WholeHeartedness for future generations. He loves traveling, hanging out in tea shops, and camping with his kids.

Follow David
IG: @david.young.coaching
Insight Timer: @zhengxian

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